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Wakefield Parkour Club

Esme: How did you get into parkour?

Matty: I saw a guy doing a backflip once and
I thought I wanted to learn how to do it.

Esme: How old were you when you started?

Matty: 18

Esme: err why parkour, like why do you do parkour
rather than I don't know athletics running or gymnastics?

Matty: its something different to learn,
its always something different to learn and things like that.

Esme: Whats you're approach to training
how do you train yourself to do different tricks?

Matty: You've gotta like pluck the courage up before you do it,
and just like have balls to be able to like have the confidence to try it

before falling and knowing you're gonna fail.

Esme: do you practice it in the gyms first sometimes or?

Matty: Yes theres a few gyms we go to isn't there.

Esme: Have you got any advice for people that are starting
or is there something you'd tell them to do or not to do?

Matty: Just have a pair of balls.

(everyone laughs)

Esme: balls of steel right?

Matty: Yeah you've gotta be prepared to fail. Prepare to fail.

Esme: do you think there is any advantages to starting younger
than being a teenager?

Matty: Yeah, like the earlier you start the more agile you are so, flexible.

Esme: Have you like discovered any personal benefits form doing parkour?

Matty: Yes

Esme: Like mentally, physically.

Matty: Got some muscles from it.


Esme: Has that helped you with like the mind set at all.

Matty: yes it just helps to be a lot more confident.
confidence is a big thing in parkour,
you've got to be confident to commit to things.

If you don't commit to things then you'll fail,

and failure's obviously a big part of it because it comes with injury.

Esme: So you're not afraid of getting injured or hurt?

Matty: No, I was, but you get over it, its like a barrier,
once you've over come the barrier then you're just use to it,

and its second nature.

Esme: Have you had a really embarrassing moment whilst practising parkour?

Matty: A few, everyday probably say about 8 today.

Esme: Whats the most embarrassing one?

Matty: embarrassing moment in parkour


Esme: so a specific incident where you look back and just cringe at?

Matty: Erm well we've got a mate where he's pretty crazy in the head and
these guys were taking the Mick out of us, and he grabbed one of these random guys

and threw him and then loads of trouble started and they all recognised

him so they didn't say anything to him. (talking to a member) Kyle come on.

Esme: Do you want to do it competitively at all or is it just a…?

Matty: Yes we do, we've been sponsored for it, so like we get paid to
promote things like wear peoples t-shirts and do jumps and make videos for people.

Its not really like compitition level really.

Esme: Have you got any heroes or anybody you that are famous?

Matty: Yeah there is loads, their's like Tom Shieff (Livewire),
he's pretty famous, Ryan Doyle, theres a guy called Cherepko Semen who's from

Russia he's really well known.

Esme: Have you ever had any difficulties with like police.

Matty: Yeah we're moved all the time there was some security waiting just
about to move us 1 minutes ago, waiting to move us before we start

jumping but they walked off so…

Esme: Anything else you want to tell us at all.

Matty:just be safe when your doing it,
like make sure you commit to the stuff you wanna do, an don't fail that much.